There are many times where you've probably found yourself wishing that you knew things before you started something. For example: wishing that as a child you knew that no matter how hard you smashed the buttons on your controller - it wouldn't impact the force of the punches on your game. The principle is the same for starting a new videogame and there is plenty of things that you probably wished you knew before starting Apex Legends.

Apex has been around since February 2019 and the game is still going strong on its 9th season, Legacy. Even the most seasoned of players are still learning about little tips and tricks that are hidden within the game as well as how to expertly use their chosen Legend. Here are just a few things that would have been useful to know before you started to play.

10 The Maps Alter Seasonally

Apex Legends Season 9 Which Map Is Better Olympus Or World's Edge

As a gamer, when you find a map that you like in Battle Royale games, it can be super easy to get comfortable with it. You will find yourself learning about all of the little hidden areas in the game that you can hide in when things get too tough. You will subconsciously lay claim to your favorite area of that map and try to go there every single match.

However attached you may be, do not get too comfortable with the Apex maps as they tend to alter seasonally. Sometimes (although rarely) you get given a brand new world altogether but normally the existing maps will have some drastic changes made to them. World's Edge and Kings Canyon looked very different in earlier seasons, but events happened that altered them drastically over the seasons.

9 Legend Tokens Are Hard To Get At High Levels

Apex Legends Legend Menu Rampart

Legend tokens are part of the in-game currencies for Apex. The tokens can be used to purchase locked Legends such as Rampart and cosmetics for the characters if you want them. The tokens can be earned by getting Apex Packs or they are given as rewards every time you raise a level in the game.Apex packs are earned sporadically in the game - they do not always give Legend Tokens.

It may seem simple enough to earn them and to an extent, it is. However, if you've been playing Apex Legends for a while then you're probably quite a high level already. This can make it a lot harder to earn the tokens as it takes you longer to level up.

8 F.O.V Settings Improve The Game

Apex Legends Train Yard World's Edge Spitfire Trios Match

The game developers did a brilliant job with Apex as they made the environment as detailed and immersive as possible for each map. They also made sure that the gameplay side of it was high quality but there's always room for improvement. That's where your F.O.V (Field Of View) settings come in. You can adjust the settings to suit you in your settings menu in the main menu.

By adjusting your F.O.V settings to suit you, you may give yourself the edge against enemy teams. There is a lot to learn about the F.O.V settings so getting them right may take a few attempts but they definitely improve the game.

7 Your Team Can Ditch You

Apex Legends Game Over Screen

Teamwork is a really big issue in some Apex matches as many fans express their annoyance with their teammates leaving them and then having to fight alone. It may seem like working as a team should be the most important thing in a game where your team can help you become the champion, but alas that is not always the case.

There aren't any punishments yet for those who decide to ditch their teams and become a solo act. For many fans, it's an infuriating issue to come across as there are so many ways that you can easily become a better teammate.

6 Hoarding Loot Can Be A Hindrance

Apex Legends Open Loot Bin Pinged Loot Shield Cell And Backpack

When you first drop into the map then yes, it's really useful to hoard as much loot as you can find to cover yourself with whatever weapon you find. If you survive into the later stages of the match then hoarding a load of loot that you don't need, such as Shotgun ammunition when you don't have a Shotgun, can cause problems.Instead, if you find loot you don't need you can ping it for your team to find.

Even with the Gold level backpack equipped, there are still limited slots for how much loot you can carry. Survival is the key to winning and if your loot slots are filled with useless items instead of important ones like shield cells, you're probably going to be killed. The wrong type of ammunition will not help you but a stack of shield cells might.

5 Training And The Firing Range Are Worth It

Apex Legends Bloodhound Training

Going straight into a game just works for some people and if you are that type of gamer that's fine. However, Apex has such a unique set of weapons and different gameplay dynamics to get used to that doing the optional training is a huge bonus.

Instead of being thrown into a wild battle of many teams trying to kill one another, you'll be guided through training by Bloodhound. You'll be introduced to the weapon types and given time for target practice. This will give you valuable time to get used to the sensitivity controls too so that you can adjust them if you need to.

4 Being A Good Teammate? Watch Your Back!

Apex Legends Squad Eliminated End Screen

If you are being a good teammate and helping to revive or re-spawn a teammate then you're a Legend but be careful. Unless you are using Lifeline, then you are in serious danger whilst you are reviving a teammate.Lifeline is the only Legend that can carry on fighting whilst reviving a teammate.Whilst you are reviving a teammate as any other Legend, you are extremely vulnerable and will be an easy target for enemy squads.

The same principle works for re-spawning your teammates at a re-spawn beacon, although this time using Lifeline will not help you. Enemy squads can hang out near re-spawn beacons in the hopes of ambushing teams with a member down. Also, when you do re-spawn a team member, a  flash of green light and the drop ship is visible to everyone around so you can draw unwanted attention to yourself.

3 All Map Areas Are Not Created Equal

Apex Legends Worlds Edge Vault Inside High Tier Loot

It would make life so much easier if the loot in the game were spread equally across the maps and that you could go anywhere to find a decent weapon. That is not the case in this game. It makes things a lot more interesting as it means when people have figured out the best loot locations, it can be a free-for-all when you get there.

As any player of Apex knows, the better loot you have the better your chances are of out-living other squads. You can never 100% guarantee what loot will spawn where but the more you play, the better idea you'll have about where things are likely to spawn.

2 Weaponry Power Can Change

Apex Legends Mastiff Devotion Spitfire R-301

A weapon that you may have used consistently throughout one season, the weapon that was at your side nearly all the time and helped you have glorious battles can become obsolete overnight.  It has happened a lot throughout the lifespan of the game as the developers will introduce patches or updates that nerf certain weapons and sometimes Legends too.

They typically happen when introducing a new season or soon after a season release but you should always be vigilant as sometimes it happens smack bang in the middle. It can throw the games into slight chaos as a weapon that nobody wanted can quickly become the one that everyone wants.

1 Your Legend Choice Matters

Apex Legends Bangalore Wraith Bloodhound Lifeline Pathfinder

When you start the game it's a good idea to try out all of the Legends to find out which one suits you. Each of them has unique abilities that can suit all types of play styles and this is why your Legend choice matters. If you play as a Legend that doesn't gel with your playstyle then you may be sabotaging yourself.

That being said, if you are a gamer that gets on with all of the Legends then you can pick whoever you like. As with all video games, it's a mixture of practice making perfect and trial and error leading you to the best outcome.

Hopefully, if you are newer to the game these 10 tips may help you out!

NEXT: Apex Legends Season 9 - Which Map Is Better, Olympus or World's Edge?